New Works from Joanette Egeli

Ketch off Provincetown (16 by 20) $4,500 Close-up
The Engineers (12 by 16) $2,800 Close-up
Brave and Courageous (12 by 16) $2,800 Close-up
The White Dress (18 by 24) $3,200
Shell Still Life (12 by 16) $1,800
Reading Chair by Open Window
Beach Provincetown (12 by 16) $750
Blue Boats Provincetown (20 by 24) $2500
Fresh Orange Juice (12 by 14) $2,200
Misty Sunrise (16 by 12) $850
My Cottage Window (20 by 24) $3,200
Oranges (11 by 14) $1,800
Provincetown Dawn
The Mystery of Water (11 by 14) $2,200
Joanette Egeli - "Dawn is the best time in Provincetown. it's usually calm with hardly any wind. You
can almost hear the fish swimming in the bay." more...